Xeomin : The Pure and Effective Choice for Long-Lasting Results
Xeomin is a neurotoxin renowned for its purity. What sets Xeomin apart is its lack of an accessory protein found in other neurotoxins, making it a “clean” option that delivers precise results. This unique formulation prevents the development of resistance, meaning you won’t need higher doses over time for the same lasting effect.
If you’ve been using neurotoxins for years and have noticed that your preferred product is no longer lasting as long or is requiring a higher dosage for the desired results, Xeomin may be the perfect solution to restore effectiveness.
Xeomin Aftercare Instructions
To ensure you get the best results from your Xeomin treatment, please follow these post-care instructions:
1. Avoid lying flat for 2-4 hours after your treatment to help the product settle in the treated areas.
2. Refrain from heavy exercise, touching or rubbing the treated area, consuming alcohol, sweating, or exposing your skin to direct sunlight for at least 24 hours.
3. If you experience swelling or bruising, apply a cold compress or ice pack to the area to reduce discomfort.
4. Avoid facials, facial massages, and other skin treatments for 14 days following your treatment to allow the neurotoxin to take full effect.
Remember, it may take up to 14 days for the full effects of Xeomin to appear. Slight asymmetry is normal during this period, and results typically last about 3 months—though individual outcomes may vary.